Thursday, February 12, 2009

Heart Aches - sorry for being mushy

When I said that something changed over winter break I meant it.  It wasn’t the smoggy air that nestled on the campus green or the change in classes from the first semester to the second.  No, this change was a change that took place in every one of us, in each and every student that returned home for the holidays and returned with a hope to make the second semester more successful than the first.  

I may be a guy but I am not an idiot when it comes to reading people.  Each and every person has small idiosyncrasies and these can be picked up on.  While someone smiles and laughs they feel a deep pain on the inside.  I would be lying to myself if what happened was a surprise, I dare admit that I too thought of ending my relationship many a time.  The distance that I returned to was just not something I wanted, but I didn’t want to abandon someone I cared so deeply about either.  

My heart aches, yes.  I cared for her very much.  She was sweet, kind, funny, beautiful and smart.  She shared my passion for creativity and the written word, a passion few people I have ever met have shared in.  And in looking for a source to blame I can find none.  We are all people trying to live our lives in a world that is fair to no one.  And though my tears tell me otherwise, I know I must move on.